
What Ingredients to Look Out for to Help With Longevity

What Ingredients to Look Out for to Help With Longevity

29th Jun 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Longevity Ingredients: Enhance Your Health and Extend Your Life

You have most likely seen longevity news and data being shared around recently — the area of study is truly blowing up, and that’s an exciting thing for everyone!

Whether or not all the longevity methods will work for you is not really the point, as not everything will work for everyone, but at least all the data being generated by organisations and individuals aiming for longevity will shed immense insight into the aging process that could help generations in the future.

At the very least, the information coming out of longevity can help us tailor our lives in ways that are accessible to each of us, and we think the first step in that is to learn about longevity ingredients.

Now, we’ve written article after article about longevity, including an ultimate guide to longevity and individual supplements that have longevity benefits, but we wanted to condense this information into an easy-to-consume guide about what are the active ingredients that reduce stress and promote longevity.

You’ve most likely seen these longevity ingredients floating around before, most of which we’ve talked about in our blogs, but let’s go over what each is.

Feel free to jump to the various sections through the links below:

What Does Longevity Do?

Longevity isn’t just about living longer, it’s about living healthier for longer. It’s why you often hear longevity gurus talk about healthspan, because it’s about extending the amount of time you’re healthy for to improve your life.

This means avoiding or delaying age-related deterioration, including diseases, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, arthritis and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

What Nutrients are Good for Longevity?

There are a range of food supplement vitamins that are also crucial for our healthspan. It’s preferable to incorporate these through the foods you eat, but if you’re at a stage in your life where you’re struggling to get all your essential vitamins and minerals, supplements can help, especially a multivitamin.

A few of these include:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from damage caused by free radicals. It boosts the immune system, helps regulate inflammation, and is especially beneficial for older adults. Found in foods like oranges, strawberries, broccoli and kale, vitamin C enhances cognitive abilities, such as memory and decision-making, and can help prevent cataracts.

It improves skin health by hydrating, stimulating collagen production and reducing wrinkles. Vitamin C also supports immune cells, aids in clearing out old cells and reduces inflammation. It can also shorten the duration of colds and alleviate symptoms of severe infections like sepsis. Since the body doesn't store vitamin C, a daily intake of up to 2,000mg is recommended.


Calcium is essential for keeping our bones strong and helping them heal if they break, which is especially important as we age. It also supports muscle function, heart health, nerve function, and blood clotting. Calcium supplements can help in treating indigestion, reversing heart problems caused by high potassium levels, controlling high phosphate levels in kidney failure and reducing bone loss in people taking corticosteroids. It also helps lower parathyroid hormone levels in kidney failure and treats osteoporosis. Since calcium levels decline with age, supplements can help decrease the risk of osteoporosis.


Magnesium is essential for hundreds of chemical reactions in the body, including DNA repair, protein synthesis and energy production. It improves insulin sensitivity, regulates blood pressure, reduces inflammation, and supports muscle and nerve function. Other benefits of magnesium include improving sleep quality, enhancing bone health, relaxing muscles, supporting the immune system and boosting energy metabolism and physical performance.

A magnesium deficiency can lead to numbness, muscle pain, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, headaches, nausea, and weakness. It is crucial for metabolism and digestion, helping break down food and move it through the digestive tract. Low magnesium can disrupt gut health, leading to issues like IBS and inflammatory bowel disease.

Xandro Lab’s Magnesium Glycinate is a highly absorbable form of magnesium, helping to improve your magnesium levels to experience the benefits faster!

What is the longevity mineral to take?

There are many, which is why a daily multivitamin is a great option if you’re not able to get enough of these minerals in your diet. Let’s go over a few more:

  • Potassium Is needed for heart health and helps regulate blood pressure, which can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Copper: Needed for the formation of red blood cells, collagen, our connective tissue and the neurotransmitters in the brain. It also helps in the absorption of iron and is needed for our immune system.
  • Chromium: Balances our blood sugar levels, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and helps protect against bone disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Selenium: Helps prevent and slow aging as it’s an essential part of many enzymes and proteins our body needs, and it’s needed for DNA formation.
  • Iron: Needed to produce red blood cells which move oxygen throughout the body, and is needed for motor and cognitive development.
  • Zinc: Supports the immune system and our metabolism, as well as wound healing.

What are Longevity Supplements?


CaAKG is a supplement that may combat aging and various health issues due to declining natural levels of AKG as we age. It promotes healthy bones, reduces fracture risk and supports skin health by converting into amino acids needed for collagen production. CaAKG helps maintain ATP levels essential for cell health and various organs, limits liver disease progression, treats non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and reduces ammonia levels in liver disease patients. It also offers neuroprotection, aids in maintaining a healthy body weight, and prevents muscle deterioration, enhancing physical performance and muscle support after exercise.

You can try out Xandro Lab’s Calcium AKG or learn more about its scientific research here.


Creatine, commonly used by athletes for muscle building and performance, also benefits brain health. It supports cognitive processes, enhances energy supply and offers neuroprotection. Creatine helps store energy in brain cells, improving work and study efficiency, reasoning skills and short-term memory, especially in those who don't eat meat. As a well-studied nootropic and antioxidant, creatine boosts energy, aids muscle and brain recovery and may slow down the aging process.


Glycine is a longevity ingredient that extends lifespan by improving mitochondrial health, reducing protein accumulation and lowering inflammation. It prevents tissue stiffening by reducing advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and contributes to restful sleep. Glycine enhances muscle function, speeds up recovery and supports the production of glutathione, a key antioxidant. Additionally, it helps reduce oxidative stress in elderly individuals.


L-theanine, an amino acid found in teas like green tea, can improve brain function in middle-aged adults and protect against liver problems, oxidative stress and inflammation as we age. It crosses the blood-brain barrier, influences the central nervous system, affects neurotransmitters, and reduces stress-related responses.


Glutathione is a crucial cellular antioxidant that neutralizes a wide range of harmful molecules in our bodies. It plays a key role in regenerating other important antioxidants like vitamins C and E, keeping them active and effective. Maintaining adequate levels of glutathione is essential for healthy aging and can improve outcomes for age-related chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and neurological disorders.

Studies have shown that older adults with higher glutathione levels tend to enjoy better overall health. Its potent antioxidant properties also support liver health, particularly during times of stress or diseases like alcoholism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, by protecting liver cells from damage and promoting cell survival.


Taurine, an amino acid, plays diverse roles in the body, serving as a neurotransmitter in the brain and aiding digestion by forming bile salts. It supports the nervous system and has been associated with numerous health benefits in older adults. Research on over 12,000 adults in Europe aged 60 and above found that higher taurine levels were linked to better overall health, including lower obesity rates, reduced inflammation, less hypertension, and lower incidence of type 2 diabetes. Studies on animals like monkeys, mice and worms suggest taurine may slow aging.


NMN is a promising longevity ingredient that boosts NAD+ levels, essential for cellular energy and mitochondrial function. It improves metabolism, helps with weight loss and improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. NMN also supports hormone function, potentially extending female reproductive health and regulating sleep. It offers neuroprotection and improves cognitive function and cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol and inflammation. NMN may also reverse hair thinning, improve exercise performance and endurance and may extend lifespan by lengthening telomeres, as shown in studies on both mice and humans.

Looking for the best NMN supplement? Have a read through our NMN supplement review of an NMN supplement Singapore, Xandro Lab’s Pure NMN. If you’re looking for NMN Singapore, our NMN comes in both powder and capsule form!

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

Like NMN, this is a NAD+ precursor. NR is a form of vitamin B3 that may improve lifespan by increasing NAD+ levels and helping with cell energy production and DNA repair. It may limit age-related weight gain, boost insulin levels, improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, as well as benefit brain function, improve mental clarity and reduce inflammation. NAD+ however, is more similar to the structure of NMN than NR, suggesting that NMN is the better supplement to take to boost NAD+ levels.


Spermidine is a compound thought to mimic the effects of intermittent fasting and calorie restriction, activating autophagy in our bodies. This process helps clear out old cells and promote cellular renewal, boosting metabolism and energy use. Taking spermidine daily can aid in weight management, improve insulin resistance, and support strong hair and nails by benefiting follicle health. It naturally enhances longevity by improving cellular health and supporting cell growth, division and repair.

Spermidine also provides energy throughout the day and regulates lipid metabolism. It benefits heart, cognition and liver health, potentially offering neuroprotective effects against diseases like Alzheimer’s. Additionally, spermidine balances hormones, boosting reproductive hormones such as testosterone in men under 50, which may enhance sexual performance. Its immune-boosting properties enhance cellular responses to infections, further supporting overall health.

Are these benefits you’re looking to experience? Read about Xandro Lab’s Spermidine supplement!


Resveratrol, a powerful polyphenol antioxidant found in foods like grapes, berries, peanuts, dark chocolate and red wine, is known for its potential to promote longevity. It activates sirtuin enzymes, particularly SIRT1 and SIRT2, which play a role in extending lifespan by supporting cellular health. Resveratrol also combats aging processes by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which can damage cells and tissues. It may prevent glycation, a process linked to aging, and has shown promise in preventing age-related conditions like vascular disease, cataracts, and neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia.

Supplements often contain trans-resveratrol, which is more easily absorbed by the body compared to its natural form.

The research around resveratrol is growing, so if you’re looking to see if it benefits you, try our Xandro Lab’s Trans Resveratrol, the bioavailable form of resveratrol, today!


Curcumin, the primary molecule in turmeric, has a range of potential health benefits, making it a powerful longevity supplement. It acts as a strong antioxidant, neutralising free radicals that cause cell damage and contribute to aging. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce chronic inflammation linked to diseases such as arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. It also supports brain health by protecting nerve cells, potentially preventing neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Curcumin supports gut health by improving gut bacteria, which strengthens the immune system and may help manage autoimmune diseases by blocking harmful cytokines. It also benefits skin, eye, heart and digestive health, further solidifying its role as a comprehensive health and longevity ingredient.

Curcumin can be hard to absorb, which is why Xandro Lab uses the patented BCM 95® Turmeric Curcumin, a bioavailable form of curcumin, so that you can experience its benefits when taking it as a supplement!

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 or ubiquinone) is a naturally occurring antioxidant, found in foods like organ meats, fish, peanuts, spinach and broccoli, and is essential for cellular energy production. As we age, our CoQ10 levels decline, which can increase the risk of conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Supplementing with CoQ10 may support cardiovascular health, improve blood sugar regulation and boost overall energy and immune function. It can also help reduce wrinkles and prevent macular degeneration. Its ability to neutralise free radicals helps protect cells from damage, making it a valuable anti-aging supplement.

Try out Xandro Lab’s POM-Q10 supplement, which combines CoQ10 with pomegranate, which has many longevity benefits, too!

Further Reading:The Benefits of Pomegranate


D-ribose is a pentose sugar that supports energy production in cells by aiding in the synthesis of ATP, the primary energy currency of the body. As we age, ATP levels decrease, leading to fatigue and reduced cell function. D-ribose supplementation can help maintain higher ATP levels, boosting energy and potentially enhancing longevity. It is especially helpful for people experiencing energy loss due to aging, cardiac issues, or prolonged physical exertion. Unlike other sugars, D-ribose does not raise blood sugar levels, making it a safe short-term supplement for combating fatigue and supporting cellular health.

What is the Best Herb for Longevity?


Ashwagandha is an anti-aging herb known for reducing stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. It offers anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and cell-protective benefits. Available as capsules, tablets, powders, liquid extracts and herbal teas, it has several advantages:

  • Calms and relaxes the body
  • Supports healthy stress response and adaptation
  • Enhances brain health, improving attention, memory and executive function
  • Reduces inflammation in joints, muscles and skin
  • Boosts immune function
  • Improves sleep quality and reduces time to fall asleep
  • Helps regulate blood sugar levels, making a possible supplement for diabetics
  • Aids in weight loss by increasing appetite-suppressing hormones and improving sleep
  • Enhances heart health and athletic performance by increasing strength, muscle mass, endurance and reducing fatigue
  • Ashwagandha benefits for female and male users include hormone balance and sexual function. Ashwagandha powder benefits for female users are the same as capsules, possibly helping improve libido and improve menstrual cycle stress, inflammation and hormonal fluctuations.

Interested in how to take ashwagandha capsules? Read our article here.

Experience these benefits with Xandro Lab’s highly absorbable Shoden® Ashwagandha!

What are Longevity Foods?

Interested in the nutrition you need to be mindful of when creating your anti-aging routine? Check out our Nutrition anti-aging routine here!

  • Beans, legumes and pulses: Eat a predominantly plant-based diet full of lentils, beans and chickpeas.
  • Wild greens: Great source of minerals and carotenoids (converted into vitamin A).
  • Mushrooms: Contain immune-protecting properties.
  • Turmeric: Has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.
  • Okinawan sweet potatoes: A purple sweet potato that doesn’t cause blood sugar to spike as much as a white potato.
  • Peppers: Residents of the Blue Zone, Nicoya, in Costa Rica, use small sweet peppers in many of their dishes while other peppers are also a staple in other Blue Zones, like Sardinia and Ikaria. They’re rich in vitamin C.
  • Pumpkin: Has high levels of carotenoids.
  • Nuts and seeds: Many long-term studies have found those that who eat nuts and seeds regularly have a lower death rate from heart diseases as well as from all causes.
  • Herbal teas: Provide immune support benefits as well as powerful antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress.
  • Corn: Increases the body’s ability to absorb calcium, iron and other minerals and can improve eye health.

Further Reading: List of Vitamins and Minerals as well as their Uses

End Note

It’s important to remember that the nutrition and supplements industry is not regulated, so it’s incredibly important to learn as much about a supplement as you can before you add it to your longevity regime — you don’t want it to have the opposite effect. It’s also crucial to speak with your medical professional before changing your diet as they can inform you if any supplements you take will actually do your body harm — depending on your medical history — or if any will interact with the medications you’re on.

Looking for vitamins Singapore? Feel free to click the links within the article to check out our versions of these longevity ingredients or to simply learn a bit more about them.

Stay informed about longevity and general health supplements by reading our blogs!


What is the secret to longevity?

Longevity often hinges on a combination of healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress effectively and having strong social connections. Genetics also play a role, but lifestyle choices have a significant impact on how long and how well people live.

What are Blue Zones?

Blue zones are regions around the world where people are known to live longer and healthier lives. These areas include places like Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece) and Loma Linda (California, USA). Researchers study these areas to understand the lifestyle factors, diet and social practices that contribute to their longevity. Due to changes in modern diets, the diets of those living in Blue Zones, however, are beginning to change.

Why do Japanese live longer?

Several factors contribute to the long lifespan of Japanese people. Their traditional diet is rich in fish, vegetables and fermented foods like miso and natto, which are great for heart health. Regular physical activity, strong social support networks and a focus on preventive healthcare also contribute to their longevity. Also, cultural practices such as ikigai (sense of purpose) and moderation in eating play roles in their health and longevity.

What is the secret of Chinese longevity?

Chinese longevity is often attributed to a combination of factors. A traditional diet focused on vegetables, rice and tea along with minimal consumption of processed foods contributes to good health. Regular physical activity, often in the form of tai chi or qigong, supports fitness and mental well-being. Chinese herbal medicine and practices like acupuncture are also believed to help their longevity by maintaining balance and health within the body.