
Discover Andrew Huberman's Ultimate Supplement Stack for Optimal Brain and Body Health

Discover Andrew Huberman's Ultimate Supplement Stack for Optimal Brain and Body Health

3rd Jun 2024

Andrew Huberman's Supplement Stack

You may have heard of Andrew Huberman, the American neuroscientist known for his opinions about supplements and for his guest appearances on the shows of people like Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson and Rich Roll.

This post will go over the Huberman supplement stack to give you an idea of the types of supplements Andrew Huberman takes for his health. You may want to read this article alongside our article on David Sinclair’s supplement stack.

Who is Andrew Huberman?

Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and associate professor of neurobiology at Stanford School of Medicine. His work spans the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, with his laboratory’s recent work focusing on the influence of vision and respiration on brain states.

Huberman launched his own podcast, Huberman Lab Podcast, in 2021, discussing topics such as neuroplasticity, mental health, fitness and recovery, sleep hygiene and supplementation.

What Does Andrew Huberman Take for Supplements?

Considering the constant high ranking of his podcast, it goes to show that many people enjoy Huberman’s work and are interested in his opinions. Due to his work on neuroplasticity and the fact he often discusses supplements for health and performance, let’s go over the daily supplement stack of Huberman.

Huberman Supplement List:

  • Multivitamin
  • NMN: 1–2g
  • NR: 500mg
  • Fadogia Agrestis: 600mg, cycled
  • Vitamin D: 5000–10,000IU
  • Zinc: 15mg
  • Boron: 2–4mg
  • Magnesium L-threonate: 140mg
  • L-Theanine: 100–300mg
  • L-Glutamine: 1g
  • Apigenin: 50mg
  • Tongkat Ali: 400mg
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: 2–3g EPA
  • Creatine: 5g
  • Grapeseed Extract: 400–800mg

This Andrew Huberman stack goes off what Dr. Huberman has said on the record. He believes one’s nutritional requirements for their overall health cannot be met through diet alone, hence why he takes the supplements above.

How much NMN does Huberman take? Here at Xandro Lab, we regularly speak about the benefits of NMN. Be sure to grab a hold of our Pure NMN Capsules or Pure NMN Powder to experience these benefits for yourself!

Further Reading: NMN for Longevity

Benefits of Andrew Huberman Supplements

So, you now know about the list of Andrew Huberman recommended supplements, but what are their benefits? Let’s go over them!

  • Multivitamin: Multivitamins provide a large range of vitamins and minerals your body needs daily, which is especially important during times when you’re unable to consume a varied diet.
  • Vitamin D: An essential vitamin that, when combined with omega-3s and exercise, may reduce the risk of cancer by 60 per cent, can improve our immune system and may increase NAD+ levels.
  • Grape Seed Extract: May reduce blood pressure in those at risk of blood pressure.

Energy supplements

  • NMN and NR: NAD+ precursors. Huberman takes NMN powder sublingually (placing it under the tongue) and while he mentions specifically using them for more mental and physical energy, NMN is also being researched for its benefits on longevity.

Andrew Huberman testosterone supplements

  • Tongkat Ali: Can boost testosterone and increase muscle strength in older men with low testosterone, as well as increase testosterone in those low in this hormone.
  • Fadogia Agrestis: A plant native to Nigeria that has been shown to increase testosterone in rats, although there is a lack of evidence of this in humans.
  • Zinc: This trace mineral plays a key role in hormone production, with a zinc deficiency correlating with low testosterone.
  • Boron: May increase testosterone in women, with a study showing it may increase testosterone, DHT, cortisol and vitamin D in men, as well as reduce inflammation.

Supplements to fall asleep

  • Magnesium L-Threonate: Magnesium helps improve sleep and reduce stress, along with many other effects. Magnesium Glycinate is another form of magnesium that crosses the blood-brain barrier for mental benefits.
  • L-Theanine: An amino acid responsible for some of the calming effects of green tea. It may help reduce stress and anxiety, benefitting one’s sleep.
  • Apigenin: A molecule that naturally occurs in tea that may help reduce anxiety. It may also boost NAD+ and improve cognition. Women should avoid it as it reduces oestrogen levels.

Further Reading: Nootropics a Fitness Enthusiast May Take

What nootropics does Huberman recommend?

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: A fat that helps with brain health in that it may slow cognitive decline.
  • L-Glutamine: An essential amino acid that helps with mood and cognition as well as has immune-boosting properties.
  • Creatine: While known as a bodybuilding supplement, creatine also has cognitive benefits, possibly helping short-term memory and reasoning in healthy individuals.

Further Reading:Ultimate Guide to Nootropics

Other supplements Andrew Huberman has mentioned:

  • Alpha GPC: May increase acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps memory, learning and cognitive function.
  • Garlic extract: He takes this when he takes alpha GPC to reduce TMAO levels that alpha GPC can increase, which has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • Rhodiola rosea: May improve endurance during workouts.
  • L-Tyrosine: An amino acid that may improve focus and attention.
  • Phenylethylamine (PEA): A stimulant that increases dopamine for focus, memory, mood and learning.
  • Ashwagandha: Reduces stress and may improve quality of life.
  • Inositol: A type of sugar found in the brain and other tissues that may help with sleep.
  • N-Acetyle Cysteine (NAC): May improve cold and flu symptoms.
  • Vitamin K2: Plays a key role in blood clotting, calcium transportation and bone health.
  • Glycine: May help improve sleep by regulating the sleep-wake cycle.
  • GABA: Helps with relaxation due to its calming and sedative effects, improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety.

Further Reading: FAQs about Ashwagandha

End Note

So, there you have it, the Andrew Huberman stack.

Before you take any of these supplements, be sure to do your own research to see if they will benefit you and to make sure you’re informed of any potential risks. You want to be informed about what you put inside your body. You can check out our blog to see what we have to say about the various supplements, too.

It’s important to note that Dr. Huberman, like most longevity specialists, recommends making behavioural and lifestyle changes before taking supplements. It’s important to fix areas of your life, such as your diet, sleep, exercise routine and stress levels, before adding supplements to your routine, and once you’re ready for supplements, make sure to speak with your doctor before you do for their recommendations.

Your doctor will be able to check your medical history and see if any supplement you want to take will interfere with any medications you’re currently taking. Don’t take risks with your health.