
Everything to know about magnesium glycinate’s benefits

Everything to know about magnesium glycinate’s benefits

18th Oct 2023

FAQs about Magnesium Glycinate Part 2

There were too many questions to answer in our previous post (check that out here), so we’ve compiled part two of the commonly asked questions about magnesium glycinate.

Need a refresher on what magnesium glycinate is?

Magnesium glycinate is a highly absorbable form of magnesium. It combines the essential mineral, magnesium, with the amino acid, glycine, to form a chelate that our bodies are able to absorb easily — unlike magnesium oxide, the most common magnesium supplement you find on shelves.

Magnesium is needed for our bodies to produce energy, nerve function, muscle relaxation and hundreds more bodily functions. It’s also important for bone health, relaxation and sleep.

If you’re frequently experiencing symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, vomiting, muscle cramps and tingling, loss of appetite or even strange heart patterns, it’s possible you might have a magnesium deficiency, so magnesium glycinate would benefit you.

Have any lingering questions about the mineral? Read on to see if we’ve touched on anything you’ve been thinking about.

Frequently Asked Questions About Magnesium Glycinate

Is magnesium glycinate good for digestion?

Magnesium is needed for hundreds of functions in our body, including digestive processes, like moving stools through the intestine. This means that magnesium glycinate is good for digestion as more magnesium is able to be absorbed into the body due to its bioavailability. Magnesium glycinate may also treat symptoms of too much stomach acid, like stomach upset, heartburn and acid indigestion.

Is magnesium glycinate good for headaches?

One of the common signs of magnesium deficiency is headaches, so by taking a highly absorbable form of magnesium, like magnesium glycinate, your body is able to quickly improve its magnesium levels and possibly reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines.

Is magnesium glycinate good for heart health?

It may treat some inflammatory conditions, like heart disease. Our magnesium levels play a role in maintaining a healthy heart rhythm and blood pressure, which helps to improve our overall cardiovascular function, so magnesium glycinate may slightly help decrease blood pressure and see positive effects on heart disease.

Is magnesium glycinate good for sleep?

Magnesium glycinate is one of the best magnesium supplements for sleep. In our bodies, magnesium helps us regulate our circadian rhythm and melatonin levels, which can help us get a better, deeper sleep, as well as help regulate our sleep/wake cycle.

It also helps the brain and body relax, hence why many people take it in the evening, by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

It also improves our metabolic and cardiovascular health, helping us feel more awake and energised throughout the day.

Does magnesium glycinate make me urinate more?

There’s currently no evidence to suggest that taking magnesium glycinate makes you urinate more frequently. It’s always recommended to take magnesium with water, so you may possibly be drinking more than you’re used to. Another factor could be that magnesium can help with water retention, so if you’re finding that you go to the toilet more, it could be because you’ve been holding extra water.

Does magnesium glycinate cause insomnia?

Magnesium glycinate is not known to cause insomnia, in fact, it’s the opposite. This form of magnesium is one of the best supplements for sleep, as mentioned above, and its relaxing properties can also help other issues within our bodies that contribute to insomnia.

Can magnesium glycinate help with epilepsy?

Some studies have found that people with epilepsy have low magnesium levels, and there have been some cases where patients have seen improvements when taking magnesium supplements. Magnesium helps support healthy brain function and resistance to mental disorders, like anxiety, depression and schizophrenia, so it may potentially improve epilepsy too. One study, in particular, found that oral magnesium supplementation was associated with a significant decrease in the number of seizures per month.

Can magnesium glycinate help with ADHD symptoms?

Magnesium isn’t known to improve attention, but due to its calming effects, it can calm hyperactivity and agitation, which can hinder attention. Magnesium glycinate may be taken by children who have a ‘rebound effect’ after their medication wears off. Magnesium glycinate for ADHD may also benefit those with this condition, as magnesium deficiency is often found in people with ADHD. As magnesium is needed to regulate neurotransmitters in our brains, it may act as a nootropic for those with short attention spans.

Is it safe to take magnesium glycinate every day?

Yes, it is considered safe to take a magnesium supplement daily for most people, even if you have sufficient levels. Many modern diets are low in magnesium-rich foods, so supplements are recommended, but speak with your doctor before taking any new supplement.

When is the best time to take magnesium glycinate?

When to take magnesium glycinate depends on what you’re taking it for, but it’s often taken before bed to help with sleep. No matter what time you take it, make sure you take it at the same time each day.

Do I need to take magnesium glycinate to get magnesium?

No, magnesium is found in a range of foods, such as sweet potato, eggs, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado, cacao, Brazil nuts, broccoli and spinach. Keep in mind, though, of the deficiencies: another figure states that up to 60 per cent of Australians, Americans and Europeans are deficient in magnesium, and this is because our diets do not contain enough of these foods, as well as the fact that many health issues and medications can affect how well our body absorbs or retains magnesium.

What does magnesium glycinate not do?

It’s essential to know just how vital magnesium glycinate can be, but be cautious of any claims made by brands or individuals about magnesium glycinate that don’t have scientific evidence to back them up. It’s not an all-in-one miracle cure; it’s an essential mineral that our bodies need, that scientific research and clinical trials are still determining the full extent of. All supplements are just that, a way to supplement your diet and are to be taken alongside a healthy lifestyle, including food, exercise and sleep.

Looking for the best magnesium glycinate supplement? Xandro Lab’s 500 mg Magnesium Glycinate supplement is highly bioavailable (absorbable), helping you easily increase your magnesium levels. Check it out today!