
Discover Magnesium Glycinate Benefits with Xandro Lab

Discover Magnesium Glycinate Benefits with Xandro Lab

18th Oct 2023

7 Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate Supplements

Magnesium is an essential mineral that has an important role in our bodies. It is involved in a range of biochemical reactions — over 300, in fact — and is needed to maintain optimal health.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to various health issues, including insomnia, anxiety, tingling and muscle cramps and migraines. If you think this might be you, ask your doctor for a serum magnesium test, which isn’t included in your regular blood test. This is because less than 1 per cent of magnesium is found in our blood serum.

What is the Best Magnesium Supplement? Each has a purpose, but we believe Magnesium Glycinate is one of the best.

Magnesium glycinate is a type of magnesium supplement that combines magnesium with glycine, an amino acid. This unique combination allows for better absorption of magnesium in the body. Compared to other forms of magnesium, such as magnesium oxide, magnesium glycinate is less likely to cause digestive discomfort or diarrhoea.

By targeting your magnesium deficiency with a single supplement, rather than taking a range of vitamins and nutrients you don’t need, you will be able to fix the source of the problem to stay fitter and age healthier.

Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Highly Bioavailable

If you’ve ever heard of chelated magnesium glycinate, the chelated simply means it’s bound with another molecule.

The reason magnesium glycinate absorbs well into the body is due to its molecular structure. It’s bound with two glycine molecules, with glycine making it easier for the intestine to absorb and use the mineral.

The two glycine molecules also leave no room for water to attach to them. This is different from other forms, like magnesium oxide, where magnesium is just bound to one oxygen molecule, so there’s room for water to attach and enter the body when you take it. This is why, when taking magnesium oxide, diarrhoea is a common side effect — it’s a laxative — as there’s excess water going through your body during digestion.

As many modern diets are low in magnesium-rich foods, this means many of us are potentially deficient. This shows how vital magnesium glycinate supplements can be as we’re able to actually get the levels of magnesium we need. Magnesium glycinate is a good option for people who need to increase their magnesium levels long-term without getting diarrhoea.

Improves Sleep Quality

Magnesium Glycinate is one of the best magnesium supplements for sleep. Since it’s easy for the body to absorb, it means our body can receive enough magnesium to increase our levels.

Magnesium plays a vital role in the regulation of neurotransmitters that promote relaxation and enhance sleep, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). When we go to bed, GABA tells our brain it’s time to wind down and begins to slow our brain’s activity, helping us sleep.

Research also suggests that magnesium supplementation can help individuals with insomnia, particularly older people, fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper, more restful sleep.

Another way magnesium glycinate can improve sleep is due to its benefits for muscle contraction and nervous system regulation (mentioned below). In this way, magnesium glycinate supplements can improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.

Relieves Anxiety and Depression

Magnesium helps regulate the production of stress hormones, like cortisol, and promotes a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Clinical trials have shown a potential link between magnesium deficiency and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. A review of 18 different studies found that magnesium reduces anxiety based on self-reports of mild anxiety, anxiety during PMS, postpartum anxiety and generalised anxiety.

A reason for this is that magnesium may improve brain function and regulate neurotransmitters. Magnesium may help alleviate these symptoms by boosting the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating mood. Magnesium is also believed to help regulate the pituitary and adrenal glands, which are responsible for our body’s response to stress.

By increasing your magnesium levels through magnesium glycinate, you may be able to improve your mental well-being and have a more positive outlook on life.

Helps with Muscle Recovery and Tiredness

Magnesium can relax muscles and control their contractions during physical activity, preventing muscle tension and allowing them to receive sufficient oxygen. Magnesium also blocks calcium uptake in muscles, allowing them to relax after contracting during intense workouts. By regulating calcium levels, magnesium helps prevent muscle over-contraction and cramps.

After exercise, magnesium aids our body in muscle recovery by supporting protein synthesis and repairing damaged muscle fibres. It also reduces muscle soreness and improves perceived recovery after workouts.

Other than that, magnesiumplays a vital role in energy production by forming adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule responsible for converting food into fuel. Adequate magnesium levels improve muscle efficiency and reduce fatigue.

In our bodies, magnesium helps produce growth factors that contribute to muscle strength and growth. It also activates vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining muscle mass and athletic performance.

For athletes and exercise enthusiasts, having sufficient magnesium levels enhances exercise performance, including strength, power, flexibility and mobility.

By supplementing with magnesium glycinate, athletes and fitness enthusiasts may experience improved exercise performance, reduced muscle fatigue, and faster recovery after workouts.

Read more about magnesium glycinate’s benefits on muscles in our blog post: here

Promotes Bone Health

60 per cent of the body’s magnesium is stored in our bones, showing just how important it is to bone health.

Magnesium glycinate may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and improve bone mass. Studies have even shown that a higher magnesium intake can increase bone mineral density in our hips and femoral necks.

Maintaining strong and healthy bones is essential, especially as we age. Magnesium works together with other minerals like calcium and vitamin D to support bone density and strength, as well as the making of bones. This means it can help reduce the risk of bone fractures.

Since magnesium deficiency is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures, magnesium glycinate can help our bodies absorb the amounts we need to restore and maintain proper levels.

Further Reading: Can I Take Magnesium Daily?

Improves Immune Function

Magnesium can help reduce the risk of infections as it can improve our white blood cell count and their ability to get rid of germs and bacteria. It’s also been shown to have a protective role in acute allergic reactions.

When we have low magnesium, our body may also go through what’s known as a cytokine storm, where the body attacks its own cells and tissues rather than fighting off infection. This can create inflammation, cell and tissue damage, narrowed blood vessels and blood clots. In animal studies, low magnesium levels were also shown to cause cancer to spread faster.

Magnesium glycinate can play a role in promoting proper digestion, with healthy digestion essential for overall gut and immune health. It helps relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing for smoother digestion and reducing the occurrence of issues like constipation and bloating, all without giving you diarrhoea as it’s not a laxative like other forms of magnesium (i.e., magnesium oxide).

Hormonal imbalances can also affect our immune function and lead to various health issues, including mood swings, irregular periods and low energy levels. Magnesium glycinate plays a role in hormonal balance by supporting the production and regulation of hormones.

Reduces Pain

Other than reducing muscle pain, as mentioned above, magnesium can reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) — especially when combined with vitamin B6 — and other pain we may experience throughout the day.

For example, having adequate magnesium levels can prevent inflammation and help with bone health, reducing arthritis pain.

Migraine headaches can be debilitating, causing severe pain and disrupting daily life. Magnesium glycinate has shown promise for reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines. It helps relax blood vessels and inhibit the release of pain-inducing substances in the brain, alleviating fibromyalgia, dysmenorrhea, headaches and acute migraine attacks.

By incorporating magnesium glycinate into your daily routine, you can potentially experience the numerous benefits it offers for your overall health and well-being.

Just remember that supplements should complement a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep.

Further Reading: 5 Side Effects of Magnesium Supplements

If you have any specific concerns or questions about magnesium glycinate or its suitability for your individual needs, it's always best to speak with your doctor, as they know your medical history.

Here, at Xandro Lab, we create individual supplements for you to target areas of your health. Our easy-to-swallow magnesium glycinate 500mg per caps is backed by scientific research, allowing you peace of mind to know it will help your health and fitness journey.

Grab yourself a bottle of Magnesium Glycinate 500 mgtoday and start experiencing the benefits of this powerful natural supplement!