
What is the optimal way to take supplements | Xandro Lab

What is the optimal way to take supplements | Xandro Lab

23rd Jan 2024

A How-To-Use Guide of Xandro Lab Supplements

There are numerous benefits of dietary supplements, whether it’s to fill in the gap of vitamins and nutrients that are missing from your diet, to fix a deficiency or whether it’s because you’ve begun biohacking, fixing or improving specific aspects of your body or health.

Whichever the reason, it’s important to know how to take supplements, so that’s why we’ve compiled a list of Xandro Lab Supplements, along with how much to take, the best time too take and how to use each.

We’ve also detailed some considerations when taking our supplements, such as what supplements should not be taken together, which supplements can actually help their absorption and when to be careful, regarding your stage of life or any medications you may be taking.

As always, talk with your doctor before taking any new supplements, especially if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or have health conditions.

Spermidine 10g

What should I know before taking Spermidine?

Dosage of Spermidine: Spermidine has a recommended dosage of 2 to 10g per day.

When to Take Spermidine: Preferably, take Spermidine with food, typically your first meal to enhance the intermittent fasting effects.

How to Use Spermidine: Take one to two capsules of Xandro Lab’s Spermidine 10g per day, starting with one capsule, then gradually increasing to two once your body tolerates it.

Calcium AKG 500mg

What should I know before taking Calcium AKG?

Dosage of Calcium AKG: There is currently no recommended daily dosage of AKG, although, for exercise, a dose between 1 to 15g per day is often taken. For osteoporosis, a daily dose of 6g of Ca-AKG has shown to increase bone mass density.

In terms of calcium dosage, calcium has an upper limit of 2500mg per day up to 50 years old, then it’s over 2000mg. Recommended is between 1000 and 1300mg per day. This AKG supplement contains 90mg of calcium in the 500mg capsule.

When to Take Calcium AKG: Take Calcium AKG with a meal, preferably at midday, to help break it down.

How to Use Calcium AKG: Take one or two capsules daily, starting with one then gradually increasing to two. This supplement is an AKG supplement and not a calcium supplement as only 90mg of the 500mg is calcium. AKG is possibly safe to use for up to three years, but to be safe, don’t take when pregnant.

If you want the calcium to be better absorbed, then don’t take with meals that contain a lot of fibre, as the fibre may bind with the calcium and hinder its absorption. In a same vein, avoid taking it at the same time as iron. Calcium should always be taken in combination with vitamin K and vitamin D as this helps the body absorb calcium better. This is why it’s better to take Calcium AKG at midday as this gives us the opportunity to absorb more sunlight.

Trans-Resveratrol 500mg

What should I know before taking Trans-Resveratrol?

Dosage of Resveratrol: Up to 5g, but side effects generally occur after 2.5mg.

When to Take Resveratrol: It’s best to take Trans-Resveratrol with food, although some people have found their body absorbs resveratrol best on an empty stomach at night, so see what’s best for you.

How to Use Resveratrol: Take one or two capsules each day, beginning with one, then increasing to two after 14 days. Resveratrol works great when taken with NMN powder as they are both used for NAD+ production. Resveratrol has a tendency to mimic estrogen and worsen certain medical conditions. Medications metabolised by the liver may interact with resveratrol, so speak with a doctor before taking. Do not take after surgery to reduce bleeding risks.

Shoden® Ashwagandha 480mg

What should I know before taking Ashwagandha?

Dosage of Ashwagandha: Take between 250mg and 500mg per day, or, 300mg for boosted memory, 250–500mg for immune health and reduced inflammation, 750–1250mg for muscle growth and strength, 250mg–3g to lower blood sugar levels or 600mg to lower stress and anxiety.

When to Take Ashwagandha: Take with meals to prevent stomach upset. Taking in the evening may help with sleep and relaxation. Due to this, it’s best to take one at lunch and one at dinner.

How to Use Ashwagandha: Take two capsules per day, starting with a low dose then gradually increasing as needed. Don’t use if pregnant and breastfeeding and use cautiously if you have autoimmune conditions. Don’t take if taking glucose-lowering, blood pressure, immune suppressant, sleep aid or thyroid hormone medications.

Pure NMN Powder 30g

What should I know before taking NMN Powder?

Dosage of NMN Powder: Between 250 and 1200mg per day.

When to Take NMN Powder: Take NMN powder in the morning with breakfast, but once you develop a tolerance, you can take it about an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach for better absorption.

How to Take NMN Powder: Start with a low dose of 350mg per day, then gradually increase as you build tolerance. Take once or twice a day. Dissolve half a scoop of powder (scoop provided) in water or food like yoghurt, or place under the tongue to dissolve. NMN Powder works great when taken with Trans-Resveratrol.

Magnesium Glycinate 500mg

What should I know before taking Magnesium Glycinate?

Dosage of Magnesium Glycinate: The recommended dosage of magnesium is 400 to 420mg per day for men and 320 to 360mg per day for women. Beneficial effects of magnesium when taking between 125 to 600mg per day. For magnesium glycinate, check the back of your magnesium supplement to see how much elemental magnesium it contains to make sure you’re within the recommended dosage. Magnesium glycinate usually contains about 17 to 20 per cent of elemental magnesium.

When to Take Magnesium Glycinate: Take one at lunch and one at dinner. Take an hour before bed if you’re taking it to help your sleep.

How to Use Magnesium Glycinate: Take one to two capsules each day, preferably with food. Don’t take magnesium oxide, which is the most common form, as it has poor bioavailability. Magnesium glycinate and magnesium malate are best for longevity and absorption.

BCM-95® Turmeric Curcumin 400g

What should I know before taking Curcumin?

Dosage of Curcumin: Between 500 and 2000mg per day.

When to Take Curcumin: Take in the morning or at lunch time, consuming three hours before or after a meal.

How to Use Curcumin: Take one capsule each day. Don’t take if you have liver problems or with blood-thinning medication. It may interfere with someone’s sleep if taken at night.


What should I know before taking Pom-Q10?

Dosage of Pom-Q10: Xandro Lab’s Pom-Q10 contains 700mg of Amla (Emblica officinalis) Fruit Extract, 400mg Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Fruit Extract and 50mg Coenzyme Q10:.CoQ10 has a recommended dosage of 90 to 200mg per day, but this depends on what you’re taking it for.

When to Take Pom-Q10: Take at breakfast or at lunch.

How to Use Pom-Q10: Take two capsules each day, preferably with food.

Further Reading: List of Vitamins and Minerals and How to Use Them

Our whole mission is to create products that allow you to tailor your health to the specific changes you need. Through this, we also believe in providing the research, science and testing behind each of our products, so that you can make informed decisions about what you’re putting into your body.

Feel free to check these out as well as each of the supplements mentioned on the page.

Xandro Lab supplements and their purity testing: here

Research and scientific evidence behind Xandro Lab supplements: here

Researched blog posts answering all your questions about dietary supplements: here