
Turmeric curcumin research evidence

Turmeric curcumin research evidence

25th Oct 2023

List of Curcumin research papers

This page includes a comprehensive list of research papers, clinical trials and more that detail the benefits of curcumin supplements discovered to date. For easier reading and understanding, findings have been summarised in greater detail for you.

No. Product Date Focus Study Title Link
01 Curcumin 22/07/2022 Anti-inflammation & Arthritis Efficacy and Safety of Curcumin and Curcuma longa Extract in the Treatment of Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial View Paper
02 Curcumin 19/09/2018 Joint Health & Arthritis Natural Products for Promoting Joint Health and Managing Osteoarthritis View Paper
03 Curcumin 03/05/2021 Diabetes Management & Oxidative Stress The Effects of Curcumin on Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review View Paper
04 Curcumin 06/07/2012 Diabetes prevention Curcumin extract for prevention of type 2 diabetes View Paper
05 Curcumin 21/01/2021 Digestion Efficacy of a curcumin extract (Curcugen™) on gastrointestinal symptoms and intestinal microbiota in adults with self-reported digestive complaints: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study View Paper
06 Curcumin 24/10/2016 Immunity & Nasal Symptoms Effect of curcumin on nasal symptoms and airflow in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis View Paper

Above is a comprehensive list of research & clinical trials conducted to date.

Details of each study, including focus, study subjects, dosage, date & results or findings

Paper #01 - Efficacy and Safety of Curcumin and Curcuma longa Extract in the Treatment of Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial

Summary: This article is a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the efficacy and safety of Curcumin and Curcuma longa (Tumeric) Extract in the treatment of arthritis.

Publication Date: 22 July 2022

Focus: Effectiveness and safety of Curcumin and Curcuma longa Extract as treatments for various types of arthritis, including Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Osteoarthritis (OA), Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), and gout/hyperuricemia

Study Subjects: 29 RCTs involving 2396 participants with different types of arthritis who received Curcumin and Curcuma longa Extract

Dosage: Ranged from 120 mg to 1500 mg, and the treatment durations varied from 4 to 36 weeks

Results/Findings: Overall, the systematic review and meta-analysis found that Curcumin and Curcuma longa Extract demonstrated safety in all studies and showed improvements in the severity of inflammation and pain levels in arthritis patients.

Paper #02 - Natural Products for Promoting Joint Health and Managing Osteoarthritis

Summary: This study discusses the potential use of natural products for promoting joint health and managing osteoarthritis, particularly focusing on their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties.

Publication Date: 19 September 2018

Focus: Potential benefits of natural products in the treatment of osteoarthritis

Study Subjects: In vitro evidence and research related to natural products like curcumin, Boswellia extract, pycnogenol, methylsulfonylmethane, and avocado/soybean unsaponifiables

Dosage: Not specified

Results/Findings: Numerous plant extracts, including curcumin, Boswellia extract, and pycnogenol, have shown effect sizes (ES) for reducing pain and functional disability larger than those observed with analgesics and products such as glucosamine and chondroitin.

Paper #03 - The Effects of Curcumin on Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review

Summary: This systematic review examines the effects of Curcuma longa (Turmeric) or curcumin on diabetes mellitus (DM), highlighting their potential anti-diabetic activities, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Publication Date: 03 May 2021

Focus: Potential benefits in the context of diabetes mellitus, specifically their effects on oxidative stress, inflammation, fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and body mass index

Study Subjects: The review includes a total of sixteen studies that met the inclusion criteria, providing evidence on the effects of curcumin on diabetes mellitus

Dosage: Not specified; but mentions the use of nanocurcumin, which is associated with various beneficial effects on markers of diabetes and cardiovascular health

Results/Findings: The results showed that curcumin’s anti-diabetic activity might be due to its capacity to suppress oxidative stress and inflammatory processes. Also, it significantly reduces fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and body mass index. Therefore, it can be considered in the therapeutic approach of patients with DM.

Paper #04 - Curcumin extract for prevention of type 2 diabetes

Summary: This study, published in October 2012, investigated the effectiveness of curcumin in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in individuals with prediabetes.

Publication Date: October 13, 2012

Focus: Whether curcumin could delay the onset of T2DM in a prediabetic population through a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial

Study Subjects: 240 subjects who met the criteria for prediabetes. These participants were randomly assigned to receive either curcumin or placebo capsules over a 9-month period

Dosage: Curcumin-treated group took 3x curcumin capsules twice daily. Each curcumin capsule contained 250 mg of curcuminoid content

Results/Findings: A 9-month curcumin intervention in prediabetic individuals significantly reduced the progression to type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and improved β-cell function with minimal side effects, demonstrating potential benefits for the prediabetic population.

Paper #05 - Efficacy of a curcumin extract (Curcugen™) on gastrointestinal symptoms and intestinal microbiota in adults with self-reported digestive complaints: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

Summary: This study investigated the effects of a curcumin extract (Curcugen™) on gastrointestinal symptoms, mood, and overall quality of life.

Publication Date: 21 January 2021

Focus: Digestive symptoms, mood, and quality of life in adults with self-reported digestive complaints

Study Subjects: 79 adults with self-reported digestive complaints who were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or 500 mg of the Curcugen™ curcumin extract

Dosage: 500 mg of the Curcugen™ curcumin extract once daily for 8 weeks

Results/Findings: The curcumin extract, Curcugen™, administered for 8 weeks at a dose of 500 mg once daily was associated with greater improvements in digestive complaints and anxiety levels in adults with self-reported digestive complaints.

Paper #06 - Effect of curcumin on nasal symptoms and airflow in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis

Summary: This study investigated the effect of curcumin on patients with perennial allergic rhinitis (AR), a common disorder affecting quality of life. Perennial allergic rhinitis is a chronic allergic condition that causes nasal congestion and a runny nose.

Publication Date: 24 October 2016

Focus: Nasal symptoms and nasal airflow resistance in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis (AR)

Study Subjects: 241 patients with perennial allergic rhinitis (AR) who were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or oral curcumin for 2 months

Dosage: Not specified; the patients did receive oral curcumin as part of the study intervention

Results/Findings: Curcumin improved nasal symptoms like sneezing and runny nose, as well as nasal congestion by reducing nasal airflow resistance. It also had a diverse impact on the immune system, suppressing certain inflammatory substances like IL-4, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor α, while increasing the production of anti-inflammatory substances like IL-10 and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule.