
Does Metformin Help With Longevity?

Does Metformin Help With Longevity?

8th Jun 2024

Popular Influencer Longevity Regimes: Metformin Analysis

In this next part of our series on longevity regimes that the best longevity doctors and gurus on their longevity podcasts proclaim, is the use of metformin for non-diabetics.

Once again, it’s important to note that when looking into questions of ‘What is a longevity lifestyle?’ not all of these longevity strategies will work for you. Have a chat with your doctor to see if one will work for your medical background and then determine if you’re willing to make the dietary changes to incorporate it.

Click below to check our other parts of 5 ways to live longer:

Metformin for Non-Diabetics

What is it?

Metformin is a widely prescribed drug used to treat type-2 diabetes. Studies have also shown that metformin may have an impact on various markers of aging, ones that lead to conditions like cancers, heart disease, dementia and diabetes by targeting age-related cell changes. This was found as over time, those with type-2 diabetes were found to have lower death rates and better lives compared to those not taking metformin, diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

The Pros

  • Lowers blood sugar in those with diabetes, has cardiovascular benefits and may help those with diabetes lose excess weight.
  • Can help treat prediabetes, gestational diabetes and PCOS and help with weight gain from antipsychotic medicines.
  • May slow aging and increase lifespan by improving the body’s response to insulin, due to its antioxidant effects and by improving blood vessel health.
  • Has anti-inflammatory effects, possibly contributing to the body’s ability to slow aging due to inflammation being a hallmark of aging and age-related diseases.
  • Found to be a generally safe drug, with some side effects of stomach upset and a vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Metformin has been found to lower mTOR production.

Further Reading: Supplements for Diabetes

The Cons

  • This longevity regimen has been found to reduce testosterone, which can hinder muscle-building attempts by those under 50.
  • Predominantly studies have been observational, rather than clinical trials on humans.
  • Can cause a vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • If taken with insulin or gliclazide, metformin can cause low blood sugar.
  • While rare, a build-up of metformin can cause lactic acidosis, which causes a pH imbalance and requires to be treated immediately as it has a death rate of up to 50 per cent.
  • Don’t take metformin if you’re kidneys aren’t working as they should, if you have severe liver problems or if you’re about to undergo surgery or a radiology procedure that uses iodine contrast.


As mentioned above, metformin for longevity has primarily been conducted on mice, and genetically altered mice at that, as well as on worms and fruit flies. So far, only observational studies on diabetics for metformin’s longevity benefits have been conducted and no longevity benefits have been found in normal mice.

One study found that metformin did not improve death rates, cancer or cardiovascular disease, while a review found that while there is data in support of anti-aging benefits, metformin’s lifespan benefits still remain controversial. Despite this, the review mentioned that due to its ability to reduce early mortality linked with various diseases, metformin can improve lifespan by extending the period of life spent in good health.

One study on humans, however, has shown that metformin improves age-related diseases, such as cognitive issues, cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes, but more studies are needed to test these benefits on healthy, older adults. The TAME Trials (Targeting Aging with Metformin) are a series of six-year clinical trials that are in plans to be launched to test whether metformin can help with aging.

Therefore, since data on metformin in healthy humans is still conflicting, it might be best to wait for further research.

Who talks about it?

  • Dr. David Sinclair: Dr. Sinclair uses metformin for the benefits above, although he mentions that people should skip it on days when they work out as it may reduce the benefits of exercise.
  • Bryan Johnson: Takes metformin with rapamycin as this combination was found to extend mouse lifespan.

Further Reading: Supplement Stack of David Sinclair

End Note

Doctors generally only prescribe metformin to people with diabetes and PCOS, so you may not be able to get your hands on metformin. Speak to your medical professional to determine whether taking metformin will have benefits after you have done your own research into the drug.

Different longevity methods work with different people, hence why various longevity experts and longevity doctors promote them, but it’s critical that you’re informed about what you’re putting into your body, so check out Xandro Lab’s blogs to get started and for more longevity tips.