
Supplements and Sleep: Effects of Vitamins and Minerals

Supplements and Sleep: Effects of Vitamins and Minerals

17th Oct 2023

Can Taking Supplements Affect Sleep? Stress, nutrition and lack of exercise can all contribute to insomnia. There is some evidence, however, to suggest that not getting enough vitamins A, C, D, E and K, as well as calcium and magnesium, can lead to sleep problems. If you're taking vitamin D, take it in the morning as at night, it interferes with melatonin production, affecting you …
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The Benefits of Calcium Supplements: Strong Bones and Heart Health

The Benefits of Calcium Supplements: Strong Bones and Heart Health

17th Oct 2023

What are the Benefits of Taking Calcium Supplements? Calcium is found in many foods, such as dairy products, and is essential for our bones and teeth, especially as the amount of calcium in these areas declines with age. This is why, as we get older, taking calcium supplements helps our bones stay strong and fix themselves if they break. They can help with muscle cramps, which is why wo …
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Can You Drink Too Much Water? Risks, Symptoms and Guidelines

Can You Drink Too Much Water? Risks, Symptoms and Guidelines

17th Oct 2023

Can you drink too much water? The Dangers of Overhydration Our body needs water to survive and since we lose water through breathing, perspiration, urine and bowel movements, we need to replenish this water through food and drink. How much water should you drink a day? For men, about 3.7 litres and for women, about 2.7 litres of water per day is recommended, covering fluids from …
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Boost Your Appetite & Digestion: Supplements for Improved Health

Boost Your Appetite & Digestion: Supplements for Improved Health

17th Oct 2023

What supplements improve appetite and digestion? There’s no easy way to gain appetite fast. Small changes to your diet and daily routine can help you increase your appetite, but if your body is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, this can also reduce your appetite. For example, a zinc deficiency can reduce appetite and alter taste, suppressing your desire to eat, while a thiamin …
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Do Supplements Cause Stomach Aches? Tips to Avoid Digestive Discomfort

Do Supplements Cause Stomach Aches? Tips to Avoid Digestive Discomfort

17th Oct 2023

Do Supplements Cause Stomach Aches? Have you ever taken a multivitamin or any other dietary supplement before and felt sickly afterward? If so, there are a few reasons why this could be happening. You could be taking them in the morning before you’ve eaten. This can upset the GI tract and cause stomach pains, nausea and diarrhoea. Try taking vitamins with food to help the body abs …
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