
What are the benefits of Calcium AKG?

What are the benefits of Calcium AKG?

18th Oct 2023

Is Calcium AKG good for my heart?

Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a compound most known for its role in energy production. It’s an important component of the Krebs cycle, which is a series of reactions that create ATP (energy) from the foods we eat.

AKG supplements have been found to have numerous other health benefits, too, including supporting bone, brain, metabolic and cardiovascular health. This post will focus on the benefits of AKG on heart health in its stable, chelated form of Ca-AKG, otherwise known as Calcium alpha-ketoglutarate.

You can also read how a calcium AKG supplement can benefit your bone, liver and brain health, as well as its effects on muscle health.

Calcium Supplements and Heart Health

Can calcium cause heart problems? There has been some research identifying a potential link between calcium supplements and the increase of heart disease and heart health, but most researchers have concluded that calcium supplements are not harmful.

Research on calcium and heart health has shown mixed results due to different selection criteria, how they define heart disease and possibly only considering people who have official diagnoses.

There has been research studying individuals for 20 years, released in 2020, that found taking calcium supplements lowered the risk of death from multiple causes. On the other hand, a review of studies in 2021 found that having both a high calcium diet or taking calcium supplements significantly increased a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. A 2019 study of more than 130,000 people, however, found no connection between calcium supplements and heart attack, even discovering that calcium supplements combined with vitamin D actually helped reduce the risk of heart attack.

There are challenges linking calcium supplements with heart issues, with many studies not actually specifically relating to the topic, but instead looking at various health habits.

Calcium AKG Health Benefits

AKG can be found with other compounds, like arginine and orthenine, but only Calcium-AKG has been proven to provide health benefits. Combining Calcium and Alpha-Ketoglutarate increases the stability and absorption of AKG into our bodies.

There has been shown to be a link between calcium AKG and heart health. Calcium AKG benefits our heart health in a number of ways, one of which is due to it being an antioxidant. Oxidative stress is one of the leading causes of heart damage and dysfunction. It also has a role as a precursor to the amino acid, glutamate, which converts to glutathione, which is the most potent antioxidant in our bodies. Specifically, calcium AKG studies have found that supplementation can significantly increase the total antioxidant status and lower oxidative damage levels in aged mice.

Ca-AKG has also been found to improve blood vessel elasticity in animal studies, which is a measure of good cardiovascular health. What’s more, calcium AKG has shown potential benefits for those undergoing coronary surgery, where it can protect from cardiac tissue damage. AKG has also been found to promote mitophagy, the clearing of damaged mitochondria, and reduce ROS reproduction. This means it may have therapeutic potential for heart failure.

Ca-AKG supplements

Be careful not to confuse alpha-ketoglutarate with ornithine ketoglutarate, as they are not the same.

AKG is possibly safe to take orally for up to three years and when applied to the skin, up to eight weeks.

Ca AKG side effects aren’t well documented, but so far, there have been no significant calcium AKG side effects. If you do experience any adverse effects, stop taking it immediately. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a medical condition, speak with your medical professional before using.

There’s no scientifically researched and approved calcium AKG dosage, but most supplements recommend taking 2 capsules before or after meals, or as directed by your doctor.

As it’s an endogenous chemical, there aren’t any alpha-ketoglutarate food sources, although a healthy diet and lifestyle may influence its production. For example, eating more fats and proteins and limiting carbohydrates can force the body to burn fat as its fuel source, creating an abundance of alpha-ketoglutarate in the Krebs Cycle. Animal studies found that eating less can also preserve alpha-ketoglutarate levels.

Are you ready to see how your body could benefit from Ca-AKG supplementation? If you’re looking for the best Ca AKG supplement, check out Xandro Lab’s Calcium AKG supplements, and, if interested, we’ve compiled more fascinating research about Ca-AKG on our website, available here.