
Do Supplements Cause Stomach Aches? Tips to Avoid Digestive Discomfort

Do Supplements Cause Stomach Aches? Tips to Avoid Digestive Discomfort

17th Oct 2023

Do Supplements Cause Stomach Aches?

Have you ever taken a multivitamin or any other dietary supplement before and felt sickly afterward? If so, there are a few reasons why this could be happening.

You could be taking them in the morning before you’ve eaten. This can upset the GI tract and cause stomach pains, nausea and diarrhoea. Try taking vitamins with food to help the body absorb the vitamins and lower the risk of an upset stomach.

Do vitamins make you nauseous even with food? Don’t take supplements right before exercising, either, as all the movement can cause gastric acid production and give you awful heartburn and reflux.

If you’re taking a few different supplements, try to figure out which one is causing you issues. Some supplements are known to be harsher on the body than others, like with vitamin C. If this is causing you stomach issues, try substituting it for low-acid vitamin C-rich foods instead, like leafy greens, broccoli and sweet potatoes. Fish oil, calcium and iron are also more commonly known to potentially give people stomach aches.

It might help to also reduce your dosage size, taking a smaller amount daily rather than a large amount once a week. If you need to take many, consider taking some with breakfast and the rest with dinner. When starting a new supplement, test its compatibility with your body by taking a small amount, then slowly building up if your body needs it. This can reduce gas and bloating, especially if you have a sensitive gut.

To relieve stomach pain from vitamins, try taking a different form of supplement, such as a dissolvable, chewable, powder or gummy vitamin, and see if it is easier for your body to digest.

Overall, it’s best to receive all our nutrients naturally through proper nutrition, sleep and exercise, but if this isn’t possible, make sure not to overdo it with consuming too much supplements at once as it can sometimes cause serious health problems.