
Creatine and Sleep: Can Creatine Keep You from sleeping?

Creatine and Sleep: Can Creatine Keep You from sleeping?

18th Oct 2023

Does creatine impact sleep?

Creatine has many benefits, such as providing a short-term energy supply to help with physical performance, muscle building and regeneration after intensive exercise, hence why it’s used in pre-workouts.

How does creatine affect our body?

Creatine affects the energy balance in our brain and promotes brain function, cognitive performance, stress resistance and can even help reduce fatigue.

As for the effects of creatine on sleep, creatine can extend the amount of time you’re awake without feeling the need to sleep, but it doesn’t necessarily stop you sleeping. While it won’t give you long-term insomnia, unless you exercise right before bed, it’s probably best not to take creatine before sleep. Creatine shortens sleep and by constantly restricting your sleep, you might impair your health in various ways, including impairing your overall exercise performance, worsen your memory and mood, and predispose you to obesity. Creatine does not directly make you gain weight; some of the flow on effects can.

Since it promotes brain energy restoration, creatine is actually a great supplement to take after those nights you received a poor sleep.

The recommended daily dose of creatine is 3 to 5g.