
Boost Your Appetite & Digestion: Supplements for Improved Health

Boost Your Appetite & Digestion: Supplements for Improved Health

17th Oct 2023

What supplements improve appetite and digestion?

There’s no easy way to gain appetite fast. Small changes to your diet and daily routine can help you increase your appetite, but if your body is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, this can also reduce your appetite. For example, a zinc deficiency can reduce appetite and alter taste, suppressing your desire to eat, while a thiamine (vitamin B-1) deficiency decreases appetite and boosts resting energy expenditure, resulting in unhealthy weight loss. In these cases, rather than looking for the best appetite booster, fixing these deficiencies can help you increase your appetite.

Vitamins that increase appetite for adults — an appetite stimulant is also known as an orexigenic — include fish oil supplements, which may enhance appetite and reduce post-meal fullness, and omega-3 fatty acids, which may improve appetite and your desire to eat. Vegetarians and vegans can also explore algae-based omega-3 supplements.

Those interested in naturopathy might want to try bitter-tasting herbs, such as gentian and wormwood, to improve appetite or digestion. Probiotics can also help with general digestive health, along with digestive enzymes, which help break down foods so your body can absorb the nutrients and remove waste more easily. When vitamin C is paired with magnesium, it also helps keep your bowel movements regular. By addressing nutritional deficiencies and incorporating proven appetite-boosting supplements, while ensuring a healthy and well-functioning GI tract, you can enhance your capacity for food intake and nourishment, ultimately promoting overall well-being and satisfaction.