
Best Nootropic Pre-Workout | Nootropics for Fitness Enthusiasts

Best Nootropic Pre-Workout | Nootropics for Fitness Enthusiasts

20th Oct 2023

Top 10 Nootropics for Working Out

Are you someone who enjoys heading to the gym and getting your body into shape or someone who is after increased results from working out? If this is you, you might be interested in taking nootropics.

What is Nootropics Pre-Workout?

Nootropics are also known as smart drugs or cognitive enhancers, which people take to potentially improve their cognitive abilities, like memory and alertness.

What about a nootropic vs pre-workout nootropics? A nootropic pre-workout is a supplement that is taken to help improve cognitive function, such as better focus and more energy while working out.

For fitness enthusiasts, there are several nootropics that you might want to consider taking to enhance your cognitive function, focus and overall exercise performance.

As each of us is different, it’s important to remember that individual responses to these supplements can vary and you should have a chat with your doctor before adding any new supplements to your regimen as there may be potential interactions with your health conditions or any medications you’re taking.

Here are the best nootropics for fitness enthusiasts:

Top Nootropics for the Gym and Working Out


This is one of the most widely consumed and well-known nootropics. It can improve alertness, concentration and energy levels, which can be beneficial before a workout. Guarana is a plant that contains caffeine, helping to improve your energy levels, focus and alertness, and can help reduce fatigue.

If wondering, ‘Will nootropics keep you awake?’ then this is the only one on this list that can keep you awake if you take it too late in the day.


Often taken in combination with caffeine, L-theanine is an amino acid that can help reduce the jitteriness and anxiety sometimes associated with caffeine. It may increase focus and enhance cognitive performance and concentration.


While primarily known as one of the supplements and nootropics for muscle growth and energy production, some studies suggest that creatine can also have cognitive benefits, particularly in tasks that require short bursts of intense mental effort.

Rhodiola Rosea

This adaptogenic herb is thought to help the body better manage stress and fatigue. It might contribute to improved mood and mental performance, which can be useful for maintaining focus during workouts.

Bacopa Monnieri

This herb, also known as water hyssop, is thought to support memory, learning and overall cognitive function. It may be especially useful for those who engage in complex training routines.

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT)

Tyrosine is a precursor to important neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which play a role in mood and focus. NALT is a more bioavailable form of tyrosine that may support cognitive function under stress. Dopamine is needed for motor control and body movement coordination, so it’s needed for exercise and muscle performance, making it one of the best nootropics for muscle recovery.


This compound is a precursor to choline, which is used to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is linked to brain energy, memory, learning and muscle control. In athletes and fitness enthusiasts, alpha-GPC can increase endurance performance and growth hormones and can prevent exercise-induced choline level reductions.


Found in high concentrations in brain cells, this compound may help maintain healthy cognitive function. It's been found to support focus, memory and mood. When exercising, it can help combat exercise-induced stress and protect our bodies from harm from too much exercise.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These healthy fats are essential for brain health and function. They can support cognitive performance and overall well-being. During exercise, omega-3 fatty acids help increase the movement of oxygen into skeletal muscle and they’ve even been thought to improve endurance and delay muscle soreness.

B Vitamins

This group of water-soluble vitamins is needed for the body to produce energy and improve brain activity. In terms of boosting exercise performance, B vitamins can maximise exercise use within cells so you can exercise harder and longer, they can improve focus, help with muscle growth and repair and can help oxygen move through the blood by reducing stress on red blood cells.

Further Reading: The Best Pre- and Post-Workout Supplement

Are Nootropics Safe and How to Take Nootropics?

This depends on the specific supplement you’re taking but nootropics are generally considered safe, although some can cause mild side effects like headaches, anxiety and nausea.

Remember that the effects of nootropics can be subtle and might not be immediately noticeable. Also, combining different nootropics or using them in excess can lead to adverse effects.

Always start with the lowest effective dose, pay attention to your body's response and, as mentioned above, make sure to speak with your doctor before making any changes to your supplement regimen. Your overall health, lifestyle and fitness goals should be taken into account when deciding which nootropics, if any, to incorporate.

If you’re looking for another natural muscle recovery supplement, try out Xandro Lab’s Calcium AKG supplement today!