
Managing Fish Oil Tablet Nausea: Side Effects and Tips

Managing Fish Oil Tablet Nausea: Side Effects and Tips

18th Oct 2023

Should I Get Nausea from Taking Fish Oil Tablets?

Omega-3 fatty acids are the dietary source in fish oil and are needed for functions like muscle activity and cell growth, and fish oil benefits and side effects are well known.

Fish oil contains almost no mercury (a plus!) but getting too much fish oil can increase your risk of bleeding, may affect your immune response and possibly increase the risk of stroke.

If fish oil makes you feel weird, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Fish oil tablets can cause mild side effects, such as a fishy aftertaste, bad breath, heartburn, nausea or diarrhoea. If this is you, it might help to take fish oil in smaller doses and with a meal. There are also no side effects when you stop taking fish oil.

As for who should not take fish oil, those on antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs should not take fish oil as a possible interaction could be that the fish oil might increase the risk of bleeding. It might also slightly lower blood pressure, so those on blood pressure drugs may receive increased effects. Fish oil may also interfere with contraceptive drugs as it typically contains triglycerides. If on Orlistat, take fish oil two hours apart from this drug.