
What is Brown Fat and How It Differs From White Fat

What is Brown Fat and How It Differs From White Fat

29th Jul 2024

White vs Brown Fat Cells Fat. It’s spoken about in various contents, such as weight and nutrition, but what exactly is it? Fats, also known as fatty acids or lipids, are molecules in our body made up of three parts called triglycerides. While our bodies can produce most fats, some essential fats must be consumed through food, including omega-3 (found in fish and flaxseed) and omega-6 (found …
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All About Activating Brown Fat Cells and Weight Loss!

All About Activating Brown Fat Cells and Weight Loss!

29th Jul 2024

Supplements to Turn White Fat Cells to Brown By now, you’ve probably already read our post about brown vs white fat cells, but if not, you might want to read that article first to get an overview of white vs brown adipose tissue. This article will go over turning white fat cells to brown, as well as what supplement turns white fat to brown fat — hint, there are many! Jump there now: How …
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