
Biohacking for Beginners: A Quick Introduction

Biohacking for Beginners: A Quick Introduction

18th Oct 2023

Introduction to Biohacking

Do-it-yourself biology, also known as biohacking, is the practise of making little adjustments to one's physical makeup, dietary habits and way of life in order to enhance one's health and quality of life.

This type of human enhancement includes factors like making changes to your diet, lifestyle or taking dietary supplements. Examples of biohacking range from something as simple as intermittent fasting or cold water therapy, to using nootropics, or smart drugs.

There are different types of biohacking: DIY Biology, where experts in scientific fields share information with those who are not, so people can experiment with their own bodies; Nutrigenomic, where people can send a DNA sample to a lab where researchers can test how food interacts with peoples’ genes to help understand which foods to avoid; and grinders, where people often implant a device under the skin and use technology to modify the body.

Why start biohacking? You might want to have control over your health, explore new ideas and research, fix what you perceive as flaws, or perhaps even try to extend your life.

You can use technology, such as smartwatches or Fitbits, to help with your biohacking journey, as they provide you with a range of data about your body that can help you further tweak your health and improve your physical performance. You can even begin with a simple blood test.

At Xandro Lab, we’re a biohacking start-up, helping individuals provide targeted support to optimise their body’s natural function and promote vitality. We do this by providing access to specific biohacking supplements to target the specific areas you want to change.

Ready to start your biohacking diet? Check out Xandro Lab’s scientifically-researched supplements here.