
Optimal Ways to Consume Vitamin C Tablets: Chewable or Not?

Optimal Ways to Consume Vitamin C Tablets: Chewable or Not?

17th Oct 2023

Will chewing a vitamin C tablet reduce its effect?

There are different ways to take vitamin C tablets, including lozenges, liquid, wafers, chewable capsules/tablets, powders or extended-release capsules, and each has a different way to be consumed.

If you are taking wafers or chewable tablets, make sure to chew them thoroughly and then swallow — if you swallow chewable vitamin C tablets, you won’t get the full benefits — and if you are taking a lozenge, allow it to dissolve slowly in your mouth. For powders, mix it thoroughly with the amount of liquid or soft food and take it right away, and for liquids, measure the appropriate amount and drink it.

For tablets, unless it says they are chewable, do not crush or chew these as this can release all the vitamin C at once, which can increase the risk of side effects, like diarrhoea, nausea and heartburn. Instead, swallow the whole tablet with some water and swallow a few times to push it down. Generally, we also don't recommend chewing vitamin C tablets as it has also been connected to tooth wear.