
Maximise Sleep & Brain Power with Magnesium L-Threonate

Maximise Sleep & Brain Power with Magnesium L-Threonate

18th Oct 2023

Magnesium L-threonate and Sleep

Magnesium L-threonate is a salt combination of magnesium and thionic acid. It’s a water-soluble substance that is formed by the breakdown of vitamin C.

Magnesium L-threonate benefits include the potential to improve cognitive function (it’s a nootropic!) and helping with age-related insomnia in older adults. It can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation as it increases magnesium levels in the brain. This means that magnesium L-threonate is one of the best forms of magnesium for sleep and anxiety.

The recommended dosage for sleep when taking magnesium L-threonate is around 310 to 320mg for adult women and 400 too 420mg for adult men. This is for your overall magnesium intake, not specifically for sleep, but since magnesium can help with your sleep, these dosages are the optimal way to increase your levels.

As for what time of day to take magnesium for sleep, about an hour before you go to bed should give the mineral enough time to bind to and activate your brain’s GABA receptors and relax your muscles, which can help your brain and body relax. Some people noticed improvements to their sleep within a week, but this can depend on how severely deficient you are in magnesium.

You can take magnesium every day and there are no withdrawal symptoms. Some magnesium L-theonate side effects can include an upset stomach and diarrhoea.